reaple [ Reap+Ripple ]
Japan used to be a country that young people in Asia looked up to because of its economic growth, security, peace, and unique culture and history. However, while developing countries that Japan has supported have continued to grow steadily, Japan’s declining birthrate and aging population, and economic growth has been stagnant for more than 30 years, has become a developed country with challenges, and is now even considered a declining developing country.
So, are young Asian people no longer choosing Japan?
Not at all. Japan has a culture that young people adore, such as anime and manga, and is becoming more and more attractive as a tourist destination. There are still many young people who want to work in Japan, a safe and peaceful country in the midst of global turmoil, and ironically, a country where the cost of living has remained unchanged for 30 years, making it an easy place to live.
Above all, there are many companies in Japan where they can play an active role and where their abilities are needed.We will contribute to solving Japan’s problems by providing opportunities to work in Japan to Asian youth who are attracted to Japan, and by providing Japanese companies with human resources and opportunities to take charge of their growth.
We believe that Japanese companies will take on the challenge of hiring foreign talent regardless of nationality, and foreign talent will approach Japan by studying the Japanese language, culture, and customs, etc. If both parties make a little effort, we can work together and grow together.
This belief has remained unchanged since our founding.
We all feel that Japan cannot escape from a declining developing country unless we take a new step forward here and now. And we know that this step will take a great deal of courage. But that step is a step toward a new world and a new future. In the fifth year since its founding, reaple has also taken a new step forward and will continue to grow together with the youth of Asia and Japanese companies.
For the past 35 years, I have worked in the development sector, particularly in an agency that provides Official Development Assistance (ODA); my work allowed me to live in many countries, particularly in Southeast Asia . Our life in Japan is completely different from Southeast Asian countries I visited. The many people I have met show strong motivation and ardent spirit. Southeast Asia’s economic vitality is leveraged not only by direct investments , but more so, its human resources that powers its economic activity. Connecting Japan with the rest of Southeast Asia’s human resources to create a necessary linkage between Japanese companies will encourage mutually beneficial partnerships, opening opportunities for overseas expansion and domestic business development.
reaple has the answer to build a partnership based on empathy and trust. Our strength is drawn from more than 3 decades of understanding and appreciation of human resources in Southeast Asia, which comes from our experience in working and partnering with the right people sharing the same values, knowing how to tap talented people from overseas and how to effectively match their skills and capabilities with the requirements of our local companies.
Especially in the Philippines, where English is the official language and its young population are very diligent and hopeful. The Filipino social value called “utang na loob” which translates to “debt of gratitude”, epitomize the strong sense of responsibility to return the good graces one has received, creating a strong bond of trust and loyalty. We believe that our mission is to extend the circle of trust to Japanese companies.
I envision a society where people are connected, and opportunities for new encounters are always open, where insights are shared, new and genuine stories of hope spread. Southeast Asia, especially the Philippines, is the perfect partner in helping us address the declining birthrate and aging society facing Japan. Together, let us explore the possibilities in Southeast Asia, beginning in the Philippines, and, if we can make new connections and accomplish our goals, it will truly be a great honor and fulfillment.